NASA's Juno Navigators Enable Jupiter Cyclone Discovery

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"Andishe Online-Germany"
NASA's Juno Navigators Enable Jupiter Cyclone Discovery
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Dec. 12, 2019

NASA's Juno Navigators Enable Jupiter Cyclone Discovery

                                          A new, smaller cyclone can be seen at the lower right of this infrared image of Jupiter's south pole 
                                          taken on Nov. 4, 2019, during the 23rd science pass of the planet by NASA's Juno spacecraft.
                                          Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/ASI/INAF/JIRAM
                                          Full image and caption

See Jupiter's cyclones through JIRAM's infrared eyes
Watch a computer simulation of merging cyclones at Jupiter's south pole
Here's what happens when an intruder cyclone enters the pattern
How order emerges from cyclone chaos
Take a look at Juno jumping Jupiter's shadow

Jupiter's south pole has a new cyclone. The discovery of the massive Jovian tempest occurred on Nov. 3, 2019, during the most recent data-gathering flyby of Jupiter by NASA's Juno spacecraft. It was the 22nd flyby during which the solar-powered spacecraft collected science data on the gas giant, soaring only 2,175 miles (3,500 kilometers) above its cloud tops. The flyby also marked a victory for the mission team, whose innovative measures kept the solar-powered spacecraft clear of what could have been a mission-ending eclipse.
"The combination of creativity and analytical thinking has once again paid off big time for NASA," said Scott Bolton, Juno principal investigator from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. "We realized that the orbit was going to carry Juno into Jupiter's shadow, which could have grave consequences because we're solar powered. No sunlight means no power, so there was real risk we might freeze to death. While the team was trying to figure out how to conserve energy and keep our core heated, the engineers came up with a completely new way out of the problem: Jump Jupiter's shadow. It was nothing less than a navigation stroke of genius. Lo and behold, first thing out of the gate on the other side, we make another fundamental discovery."
When Juno first arrived at Jupiter in July 2016, its infrared and visible-light cameras discovered giant cyclones encircling the planet's poles — nine in the north and six in the south. Were they, like their Earthly siblings, a transient phenomenon, taking only weeks to develop and then ebb? Or could these cyclones, each nearly as wide as the continental U.S., be more permanent fixtures?
With each flyby, the data reinforced the idea that five windstorms were swirling in a pentagonal pattern around a central storm at the south pole and that the system seemed stable. None of the six storms showed signs of yielding to allow other cyclones to join in.
                                   An outline of the continental United States superimposed over the central cyclone and an outline of Texas is superimposed over 
                                    the newest cyclone at Jupiter's south pole give a sense of their immense scale.    The hexagonal arrangement of the cyclones is 
                                    large enough to dwarf the Earth.
                                    Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/ASI/INAF/JIRAM
                                   Full image and caption

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