Article No.19 -35

                                                                                  Research institute "Andishe Online-Germany "                                
                                                                               Biology of the quantum dimension                       Edition 35&36&37/2020                        
                                             Article No. 19                                    

Article No. 19
Lesson 14
Mineral phase
Part 3 Limestone, marble stone and                    turquoise

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Level 2: Emergence of the marble stone
The quantum cloud of CaCO3, which resulted from very long interactions and an exchange of information between five weaker clouds (3 times -O & -Ca & -C) from two groups (CaO & Co2), is basically a potential that is characterized by a tendency to progress and the search for a more stable state. In order to satisfy this strong, instinctive tendency, it combines with a potential arising from a similar ripening process, i.e. the magnetic experience (soul) of dolomite (CaMg (CO3) 2), which is also looking for a way to form a more stable structure to ensure the stability of the whole system.

The Profit-attraction force that acts between the two potentials turns the two magnetic experiences (potentials, souls or Q-cloud) into a new q-cloud, which has to undergo a series of higher changes and advances that actually belong to the next level.

Progress in this case, and more generally in the mineral phase, means figuring out how it is possible to arrange the chemical elements according to a possible template, as envisaged in the master plan, and which emerged during the first phase of the Big Bang.

These advances continue in sequences and levels, from the formation of a simple mineral such as limestone to the production of a gem such as turquoise, which is a possible end point for minerals, as further progress is no longer possible under these limited conditions.

Marble stone is a carbonate rock that consists of the minerals calcite (CaCO3), dolomite [CaMg (CO3)2] or aragonite. However, marble stone is primarily an improved appearance of limestone, and therefore a middle station on the long journey to phase-perfection.

The newly formed cloud practically consists of interacting partial clouds, which not only have to exchange information with each other, but also with the environment. A much more important challenge for this cloud is the identification of the destructive, largely positronic forces that serve to destabilize the system. This eternal conflict, aside from many of the phenomena that arise from it, which causes the cloud to react, leads in part to the acquisition of the prerequisites necessary for the completion of the process of experience.

The stone is perfect when the properties of dolomite are dominant in the quantum cloud.
From the fact that the marble stone does not turn itself into turquoise, it can be seen that it is a level perfection that is one level higher than limestone. Therefore, it is believed that the journey to perfection with this mineral form has ended. What follows is the decay of the cloud.

In order to be able to investigate the phase-perfection further, I have to open a discussion that unfortunately does not correspond to the current state of knowledge of classical physics:

Biology of Quantum dimension
Article No.1
Biography of Ostad Elahi
Article No.2
The divine discoveries
Article No.3
Philosophers and scientists in search of truth
Article No.4
Quantum mechanics                  Elementary particle physics
 The metaphysical thoughts
Article No.5
Ostad Elahi solved the riddle
Article No.6
3  quantum dimension of matter
3.1 Tokyo experiment
Article No.7
4 Beginning of everything. Before the Big Bang
4.1 The Creation Report (creation narrative)
Article No.8
4.2 The Eternal and Original Laws
Article No.9
4.3 A perfect definition of existence
Article No.10
Unification of the sciences of both dimensions
Modern world view
Article No.11
Definition of some necessary particle-physical terms
Article No.12
1.3 electron and positron
1.3.1 Investigation from a new perspective
Article No.13
2.1 Mahiaat electrons
Article No.14 Holographic decomposition of the 12 fermions and 12 anti-fermions
Article No.15 Mutual cooperation between particles and antiparticles
Article No.16 Intelligence network
Article No.17
Mineral phase (ᴪ): Quantum Cloud (souls) and minerals
Article No.18
Level 1: formation of limestone
Article No.19
Level 2: Emergence of the marble stone
Article No.20
The principle of energy inequality in a system

End part 3

Document of this article:
Research and study:
Faramarz Tabesh
The book "Biology of the Quantum Dimension"
Archiving code:
OstadElahi_FaramarzTabesh_hlvüks h, n lhvfg hsj,k 
Next subject:  The principle of energy inequality in a system
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