Article No.8 -33

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                                                                               Biology of the quantum dimension                       Edition 33/2020                        
                                             Article No. 8                                      

 Article No. 8
 Lesson 3
4.   Beginning of everything. 
      Before the Big Bang

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4.2   The Eternal and Original Laws
Of course, it is not possible to extract all the original laws from the creation report by Ostad Elahi and to decipher the riddle of existence. To be able to understand the truth of his teachings precisely and concretely requires a long-term occupation with his published works, plus the accompanying inspiration. The correct interpretation of the creation report can be found in his two books with the titles "Borhan All-hagh" (Proof of Truth) and "Marefat All-Ruh" (Knowing the Soul). As mentioned earlier, the latter was translated into English by James Winston Morris, professor in the Faculty of Theology at Boston College.

Under the above conditions, the following basic laws of existence can be extracted from the report and listed:
1- Behind creation there is an undeniable reason and a basic purpose.

2- The purpose of creation was prepared by God in the form of a design and a basic plan that encompasses all of creation.

3- God did not personally implement the process of creation. According to a law created by God himself, namely "causality", the          whole process by Mahiaat and his eleven companions must first be realized from a template and brought to the starting point.

4- The process of creation was very gradual and undertaken in a phased manner.

5- The whole of existence, with all its elements, substances and particles, is in constant movement and change in both dimensions.     This means that everything that is created is somewhat inconstant and impermanent. This law, which is always associated with       movement, rotation and continuous change, was called "essence movement" by Ostad Elahi.

6- God is the first cause and origin of all creatures [1] To recognize him, all creatures must first recognize themselves.

7- The Mahiaat is responsible for the creation and emergence of all existence. The souls that are directly created by God (such as
    the heavenly soul) are an exception.

8- In order to recognize what leads to knowledge of God, the soul must be connected to the body in the material world in order to       experience the material phenomena.

9- The entire existence can only be activated with the interaction between the world of light and darkness and under this condition     can it keep the movement. This is the "dualism" law.

10- The two mentioned worlds are connected as a whole phenomenon.
11- At each level there is the soul first, then its associated matter appears.

12- Concerning earthly people, there are two types of souls. The souls that are created directly by God, for example the heavenly           soul (also called angelic soul) and the four other souls that belong to the material world, namely the mineral, plant, animal             and Basharic (primary human) soul. The origin of all four souls, and the temporary abode of the heavenly soul, are the three           mentioned spaces.

13- Entering the world of paradoxes (in our case, the earth) is the necessary prerequisite for self-recognition in the first steps.

14- Creation has countless levels that are preferentially related to each other. The highest level has the highest rank and the               shortest route to the origin of creation.

15- In addition to Mahiaat, 11 other forces, who are called companions of Mahiaat, are involved in the creation process.

16- The diversity in the universe is one of the principles of the original plan that God made available to Mahiaat.

17- In the first step, creation contains two sections, namely the “point of origin” and the “descending curve”. This curve is the             route that all first generation souls had to go through in order to connect only once and unrepeatably, without applying the           principle of causality, with their material bodies and their shape. The only exceptions are the newly created souls, since they did       not yet exist in this phase.

18- All souls come from the three spaces described. Most of these souls don’t belong to our planet.

19- Although the heavenly soul comes directly from God, it still has to be transported to one of these three spaces.

20- All creatures must appear in pairs. This means male and female.

21- All creatures, apart from minor changes, have been created in their present form from the beginning. (Only main breeds are           meant here. Mixed breeds are created by two similar groups. For example, the mule is a mixture of a horse and donkey).

22- All main races were available in their current form and shape at the point of origin.

23- Without the help of the Creator, no one can take the path of perfection to the end.

24- All souls of every planet in the universe had to come down from the original spiritual spaces and connect with their own bodies       for the purpose of attaining perfection. This type of travel, passage, movement or transport was called the "descending curve"        by Ostad Elahi.

25- The basic knowledge of Mahiaat and his companions is fluent in every corner of the two dimensions of existence. To put it more       clearly, the two dimensions are nothing other than the cooperation of the twelve superpowers (from the world of light) and sure        anti-superpowers (from the world of darkness) in countless manifestations.

26- The law “cause and effect” comes into force only from the time when the souls unite with the associated bodies. From then on,        all changes, origins and appearances must be done under the controlling effect of this law.

The appearance as minerals and the whole path of perfection through to the emergence of the Basharic potential (primary human soul), the union of the heavenly and Basharic soul with each other until the return of the heavenly soul to its origin, in short: all activities, changes and experiences, that the heavenly soul goes through, is an enormous process called by Ostad Elahi the "ascending curve".

The principles and laws that I have extracted from this report are far more complex and extensive than those presented here. In order to avoid that the representation and perspective of the creation become too complicated, I have dispensed with a lot of them.

[1] This consists of several areas.

Biology of Quantum dimension
Article No.1
Biography of Ostad Elahi
Article No.2
The divine discoveries
Article No.3
Philosophers and scientists in search of truth
Article No.4
Quantum mechanics                  Elementary particle physics
 The metaphysical thoughts
Article No.5
Ostad Elahi solved the riddle
Article No.6
3  quantum dimension of matter
3.1 Tokyo experiment
Article No.7
4 Beginning of everything. Before the Big Bang
4.1 The Creation Report (creation narrative)
Article No.8
4.2 The Eternal and Original Laws
Article No.9
4.3 A perfect definition of existence

Research and Study: Faramarz Tabesh 
Main source: The book "Biology of the Quantum Dimension"
By Faramarz Tabesh 
Archiving code of the article: OstadElahi_FaramarzTabesh_d hjvkhg hkn h,vdüdkhg ghc
Next subject:   4.3  A perfect definition of existence
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