Article No.7 -33

                                                                                Research institute "Andishe Online-Germany "                                
                                                                               Biology of the quantum dimension                       Edition 33/2020                        
                                             Article No. 7                                     

 Article No. 7 
 Lesson 2
4.   Beginning of everything. 
      Before the Big Bang

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4.1  The Creation Report (creation narrative)
In order to be able to reproduce Ostad Elahi's creation report (narrative) clearly, plainly and understandably, I have attempted to explain the topics as simply as possible and without the use of technical terms and theoretical sentences. In the next chapters we will analyze the whole this subject with the help of particle physics and mathematics.

Before we begin examining Ostad Elahi's creation report, I have to mention that this report is not based on the observations of others, but on his own direct perception.

               "... I have not imitated anyone, everything [what I said] was the result of my own perceptions, discoveries 
                   and experiences ..." (Ostad Elahi, Asar-Allhagh 1, word 2073, paragraph 3.)

In this context, care must be taken to ensure that I will not reproduce Ostad Elahi's creation report in its complete form. Only the paragraphs will be presented which are used to analyze the mechanism of the emergence of existence.

4.2 The earthly souls
Ostad Elahi's creation report provides us with a precise representation of the original plan and basic design that the creator had prepared for the creation of existence. This primary idea was nothing more than the total amount of numerous basic laws and basic but perfect and complete knowledge in the form of specific energy or the magnetic fields. One of these principles was the "cause and effect" law, so first a being had to be created whose mental capacity was so enormous that it could save the above-mentioned original plan and basic (primary complete) knowledge. Ostad Elahi called this being "Mahiaat" [1]. It was also called “first intellect” by Ostad Elahi as well as by previous philosophers and mystics. Mahiaat can be seen as the soul of God in the material world. We take this fact from the last sentence of the twelfth paragraph of the Ostad Elahi Creation Report, according to my own paragraphing.

"God said to Mahiaat:" You reflect me, my power and my thoughts ... "

The fact that the Mahiaat was created directly by God can be seen in part of the third paragraph of the report:

               [God speaks to Mahiaat]… “You are the one from which the whole existence of all possibilities will arise, and  
               I am the one who created you.  Your strength and power and everything you have is from me …"

According to a very important original law, which is known to us humans and even scientifically proven, is this fact: that a process can only be started if there are two interacting but opposing forces that are involved in the process. According to this law and for this purpose, a power had to be created, which was different in every respect from the Mahiaat. This power is what is popularly called "darkness", that is the dark energy.
We take this from the rest of the third paragraph and the fourth paragraph of the report:

               ... He [Mahiaat] asked, "If you speak to me, why don't I see you?" 
                 "As long as you don't see yourself, you cannot see me, and as long as you cannot recognize yourself, 
                  you cannot recognize me," replied the Creator. 
                 "How can I see myself?" He asked. [End of the third paragraph]

                "Boil internally! [You have to make this possible with inner boiling.] “, Said [the Creator to him]… 
                 [From the fourth paragraph]

This kind of explosive boiling is not known to our science today. This is self-knowledge meant for Mahiaat, as an examination and exploration of its potential powers and possibilities, and to get acquainted with them. Internal boiling, which was a specific maturation process, had to be an expansion, something like the Big Bang. This is an initial change that supposedly lasted billions of years according to earthly time. The result of such a boiling is very important because both our ecosystem and the behavior of all living things depend on it:
               ... [After internally boiling ], when he regained consciousness, wherever he looked there was only darkness. 
                  In this darkness that Was called dark world, he saw a piece of light that split the darkness like a sunbeam. ...............                      [from the fourth paragraph]

Another original law can be derived from the above-mentioned paragraph, namely “dualism” in its original form. Light and darkness represent the world of light and darkness. The two worlds are completely equivalent in every respect, but they are opposed to each other:

               ... The light beam reflected from Mahiaat, and was the only thing that could be seen in the dark. The 
                 spiritual space in which the Mahiaat moved consisted of light. Light cannot be detected in the light, 
                 but in the dark. For this reason, light and darkness must face each other everywhere and in every 
                 respect. [From the fifth paragraph]
As can be seen from the sixth paragraph, this darkness can be temporary and regarded as the mass or body of Mahiaat.

               …."Oh God! Why don't I see you? ”He asked [the Mahiaat]. "Like the appearance of darkness that made 
                   your image visible, you have to be connected to the body to see my image in you because the darkness 
                   corresponds to the body. For this reason, your image is visible in it [light in darkness], ”answered the 
                   voice. "How can I be connected to the body? Isn't the light my body? "Asked the Mahiaat." This light 
                   belongs to your clergy. The body is the manifestation power that shapes your body, and from which 
                   the others [which will soon be created] must be permeated. You have to boil [again] internally 
                   [and pulsate] in order to separate all substances that do not belong to you and to return to their 
                   origin, since everything that stands outside of you is my will, as its cause I have determined you. Now 
                   start boiling [and swinging], ”said the creator.

According to creation, Mahiaat received the original plan and basic knowledge, developed the cosmic dimensions from which all possible living beings and substances would arise, and of course received the strength and power to do so. In order to be able to realize the original plan, the darkness with its very own laws was created in accordance with the law of dualism, which is fundamentally contrary to the laws of the world of light.

To understand exactly how important the realm of darkness is, you have to know that it is as important to the earth's ecosystem as the world of light. Without the substances of darkness, matter would never be broken down and the result would be a disturbance in the ecological balance, for example the human body would then not be able to digest the food. In biological conditions, the world of darkness means disintegration and disassembly, and when we talk about the world of light, it means structuring and building up.

Now, at this point in time, all the prerequisites necessary for the emergence of existence are available. Mahiaat as master of the world of light had a master plan, knowledge, the necessary strength and powers that are far from our earthly conception. Of course he also had an opponent in front of him who was as powerful as himself. Following the Creator's command, the Mahiaat had to experience new inner activities, stimuluses and changes, that probably took billions of earthly years (according to earthly time).

                  … At the command of God, the Mahiaat boiled within itself(internally). Suddenly he heard tremendous 
                     noise and his vision was blinded by something like smoke and steam, dust and particles. After a 
                     while [supposedly after billions of earthly years], his view became clear again. He saw that there was 
                     no trace of the darkness and the beam of light that had initially appeared to him. He saw [11] other 
                     creatures next to him in a blue-colored room that was his headquarters. And he also saw three other 
                      rooms, and in each there was a higher assembly ... [From the seventh paragraph]  
For those who have studied all of Ostad Elahi's works more closely, the word “boiling” means preparing for the realization of the original plan first in the form of a template.

What can still be read from his teachings is the fact that the Mahiaat, according to the law of "cause and effect", and in order to continue the original plan, according to the abovementioned internal activities and stimuluses of eleven living things, one from the other, in a certain order. Of course, the first was created directly by Mahiaat. These eleven living beings, like Mahiaat, were endowed with strength and knowledge. They needed the strength to cooperate with Mahiaat in the process of realizing the existence. 

However, their knowledge and powers were limited and differed from each other. The closer these powers were to Mahiaat, the more powerful and wiser they were.

I have to expressly point out again that the powers and wisdom of the Mahiaat and his companions (partners) are barely comprehensible with our limited earthly understanding. We can only understand this topic with the help of the knowledge of particle physics.

The latter preparation, meaning the inner boiling and the resulting explosion, corresponds to the Big Bang phase. The information provided in this part is very significant and so crucial that much of this book is concerned with scientifically analyzing and examining the information contained in this paragraph. 

We actually want to know what happened during this boiling. For example: where did the eleven other creatures come from? What scientific role do light and darkness play in creation? With which method did the material worlds, living beings and their souls come into being? What really is a human and what dimensions and substances does he consist of? For what purpose was existence and its components created? What is death and what actually happens to us after death?

Paragraphs eight and nine deal with the quality and quantity of the three premises and their components. The role of the three premises (spaces) can be seen in the tenth paragraph:

               “The souls of all creatures were in these three premises (spaces). In the blue-colored room there were no 
                 other than the Mahiaat and its companions Particles. Beyond the premises in which the seat of all souls 
                 was located, the Mahiaat saw countless planets. Every planet was different from the other planets in 
                 specific color and shape as well as in volume, brightness and darkness, cold and heat.”

The eleventh paragraph states that after the second boiling, as a result of the internal boiling of the Mahiaat, two completely isolated dimensions, namely the material and immaterial (quantum or soul dimension) worlds, would arise. The material world, as well as all associated elements and substances, were like figures without soul, and thus without movement.

               “Then he saw corresponding creatures on each planet, each in pairs. It means female and male in different 
                 shapes were in the same situation and condition as we see them today. However, these were only the 
                 soulless hulls and bodies, their Souls were stationed in the mentioned three spaces , because they had 
                 not been ordered by God to join the bodies.” [From the eleventh paragraph]  

In the original Persian text, I divided the creation report presented by Ostad Elahi into fifteen paragraphs and interpreted it thoroughly. At this point, we do not currently need the rest of the report.

[1] Essence and the basic truth. The first creature was created directly by God.

Biology of Quantum dimension
Article No.1
Biography of Ostad Elahi
Article No.2
The divine discoveries
Article No.3
Philosophers and scientists in search of truth
Article No.4
Quantum mechanics                  Elementary particle physics
 The metaphysical thoughts
Article No.5
Ostad Elahi solved the riddle 
Article No.6
3  quantum dimension of matter
3.1 Tokyo experiment
Article No.7
4 Beginning of everything. Before the Big Bang
4.1 The Creation Report (creation narrative)
Article No.8
4.2 The Eternal and Original Laws

Research and Study: Faramarz Tabesh 
Main source: The book "Biology of the Quantum Dimension" 
By Faramarz Tabesh 
Archiving code of the article: OstadElahi_FaramarzTabesh_fdädkdkä h, h,vdjdkä
Next subject: 4.2 The Eternal and Original Laws 
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