Article No.23 -43

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                                                                               Biology of the quantum dimension                       Edition 43/2020                        
                                             Article No. 23                                    
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 Article No. 23
 Lesson 18
2.1.3 Plant phase (λ): Quantum clouds (souls)
         and plants

Part 1

The goal of this phase: 
Learn all about growth and realize it. Forming organs
In fact, the plant phase is the continuation of the mineral phase, but in a relatively developed form. In both cases, it is characteristic of being dependent on the ground [1].

The potentials that arise as the final results of the completion of the maturation process in the mineral phase, are so familiar with the construction of various material structures that there is nothing more for them to learn and realize in this phase. In this state, and with this dexterity, they can arrange the chemical elements (intelligence networks 2) in such a way that, new organisms arising from them, have completely new properties.

It is important to know that, matter is only a field of experience for potentials in every sequence, every level and every phase. After all, it is these potentials (souls) that must become perfect and attain the Basharic (human) soul rank. 

You can imagine a child building different figures with sand or Lego bricks. This child will continue this activity, i.e. designing and building, in school, high school and university in different ways. In the course of time, as a civil engineer, he will perfect it in such a way that he will be able to design and also realize a skyscraper. Such a process is exactly what a potential (soul) does over a long period of time. The smallest and most primitive potentials unite in the form of a cloud, where they have to interact with each other and also with the environment. From the same process again, the same potentials arise predominantly alike, which, according to the sequence, the level or phase maturation and the information they have acquired, realize their experience by shaping matter in the next possible rank. This process finally leads to the emergence of new potentials, which are again to be combined with complementary, analogous and homologous potentials. This process continues until the rank of the Bashar (human) soul is reached, where the perfection process reaches the highest level.

In the plant phase, the perfect mineral potentials, which have arisen from various maturing processes, create very diverse combinations capable of producing very different, primitive plant organisms.

In the plant phase, the plant Q clouds must complete the same maturation process as in the mineral phase, in many sequences and levels and through countless parallel paths. Thus, at the end of the plant phase, the mature potentials consisting of the innumerable parallel rows will experience what growth is, and how the structure of matter can be organically formed, which means to a large extent, practical work with the chromosomes.

The constantly continuing and advancing movement, which includes the immaterial and material side, i.e. the Q-cloud and the mass of an organism, was called the "essence movement" by Ostad Elahi. This movement exists in every organism and phenomenon. Even God has "essence movement", although it is different from that of all creatures.

Since many plants have chromosomes, the process of mental maturation becomes more complex from this stage onward, and since all animals reproduce genetically, that is, through chromosomes, we will not study the specific method of perfecting these plants until the animal phase (see Figure 55).

In the mineral phase, the quantum clouds (Q-clouds) on the last level are not able to guarantee the growth of matter. It can be clearly stated that in this phase, a piece of appropriate earth is transformed into another form, i.e. transformation instead of growth.

 Thereby the amount of earth remains nearly constant. In the plant phase, every potential, from a lower level that has formed a    Q-cloud at the next possible level with other potentials at the same level has acquired certain experiences of matter formation that it shares with other potentials of the Q-cloud. Thus, the mixture of the experience of all potentials results in a specific magnetic ability that can arrange the chemical elements in a plant-like form. Such arrangements of the elements are in any case much more complex than any mineral structure. This also describes plant characteristics, as relative mobility, gradual appearance of sexual organs, reproduction by mating, production of energy-rich substances from lower-energy substances with the help of light energy, which is called photosynthesis. Moreover, for plants above a certain level, the possible templates of the structures are so complicated that the Q clouds need a coded map for each special case, with the help of which the construction of the plant can be built. This map consists of the chromosome sets. In order to know how a Q-cloud works with this map and to analyze this article, some things related to the topic have to be discussed first, so we will study this topic in the animal phase. 

From "Chapter 2" entitled "Intelligence Network", we have learned that in the material world, any form and design of matter, in every living being, consists of these networks. Each constellation of different networks corresponds to a template of an organism pre-designed before the Big Bang. Therefore, each Q-cloud has a certain path of development, such that the maturation process continues instinctively until the cloud can finally attain the rank of human potential (Bashar soul) and unite with a heavenly soul.

A classification and leveling of the Q clouds in terms of their abilities is not yet available, but it is possible to see the affiliation of some plants to a certain level.

I also take from Ostad Elahi's words that some plants and fruits, including oranges, grapes, and pomegranates, belong to the last level of the perfection process. On the other hand, some primitive creatures such as mosses can be placed in the first level's maturation process.

There are still important topics covering both the plant and animal maturation process, which we will deal with after a few analyses and definitions on the following pages.

The perfection process of the plant phase and the factors involved in it can be schematically illustrated as follows.

End of Article 23

 [1] Also on air and humidity.

Document of this article:
Research and study:
Faramarz Tabesh
The book "Biology of the Quantum Dimension"
Archiving code:OstadElahi_FaramarzTabesh_#gkj tdc_#hvj 1
Next subject:  2.1.3 Plant phase (λ): Quantum clouds (souls)and plants Part 2

Biology of Quantum dimension
Article No.1
Biography of Ostad Elahi
Article No.2
The divine discoveries
Article No.3
Philosophers and scientists in search of truth
Article No.4
Quantum mechanics                  Elementary particle physics
 The metaphysical thoughts
Article No.5
Ostad Elahi solved the riddle
Article No.6
3  quantum dimension of matter
3.1 Tokyo experiment
Article No.7
4 Beginning of everything. Before the Big Bang
4.1 The Creation Report (creation narrative)
Article No.8
4.2 The Eternal and Original Laws
Article No.9
4.3 A perfect definition of existence
Article No.10
Unification of the sciences of both dimensions
Modern world view
Article No.11
Definition of some necessary particle-physical terms
Article No.12
1.3 electron and positron
1.3.1 Investigation from a new perspective
Article No.13
2.1 Mahiaat electrons
Article No.14 Holographic decomposition of the 12 fermions and 12 anti-fermions
Article No.15 Mutual cooperation between particles and antiparticles
Article No.16 Intelligence network
Article No.17
Mineral phase (ᴪ): Quantum Cloud (souls) and minerals
Article No.18
Level 1: formation of limestone
Article No.19
Level 2: Emergence of the marble stone
Article No.20
The principle of energy inequality in a system
Article No.21
Level 3: Emergence of the turquoise
Article No.22 Mathematical summary
Article No.23
2.1.3 Plant phase (λ): Quantum clouds (souls) and plants. Part 1
Article No.24
2.1.3 Plant phase (λ): Quantum clouds (souls)and plants Part 2
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