Integrated sciences

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Integrated sciences 

Scientific metaphysics
Article 6 up to Article 16

Articles: Faramarz Tabesh

Article No.6 
Lesson 1

 3 quantum dimension of      matter
 3.1 Tokyo experiment

Article No.7 
Lesson 2
 4 Beginning of                     everything. 
     Before the big bang

4.1 The Creation Report 
       (creation narrative)

Article No.8 
Lesson 3
4.2 The Eternal and     Original Laws

Article No.9 
Lesson 4
4.3 A perfect definition of existence     

Article No. 10
Lesson 5
    Unification of the            sciences of both                dimensions
    Modern world view

Article No.11
Lesson 6
  Definition of some           necessary particle-           physical terms

Article No.12
Lesson 7
1.3 electron and positron
1.3.1 Investigation from           a new perspective

Article No.13
Lesson 8
2.1 Mahiaat electrons

Article No. 14 
Lesson 9  Holographic           decomposition of  the 
     12  fermions and 12 
Article No.15
Lesson 10 
     Mutual cooperation         between  particles             and  antiparticles
Article No. 16
Lesson 11 Intelligence          network

 Integrated Sciences

Origin of Life
Articles 17  up to 27 
Article No. 17
Lesson 12

Mineral phase Part 2                
Quantum Cloud           and minerals

Article No. 18
Lesson 13
Mineral phase Part 2 Limestone,                       marble stone and            turquoise            
Level 1: formation of                    limestone 

Article No.19
Lesson 14
Mineral phase Part 2 Limestone,                        marble stone and              turquoise

Level 2: Emergence of                  the marble stone

Article No.20
Lesson 15
Mineral phase Part 2
The principle of energy inequality in a system

Definition: energy, potential and quantum cloud

Article No. 21
Lesson 16

   Mineral phase Part 2 Limestone,                        marble stone and              turquoise
Level 3: Emergence of                   the turquoise

Article No. 22
Lesson 17
   Mineral phase Part 2 Mathematical                    summary

Article No. 23 
Lesson 18
2.1.3 Plant phase (λ): Quantum clouds (souls)
and plants Part 1

Article No.24
Lesson 19
2.1.3 Plant phase (λ): Quantum clouds (souls)and plants Part 2

Article No. 25 
Lesson 20
2.1.4 Animal phase (ϑ):   Quantum clouds (souls)    and animals 

Part 1

Article No.26
Lesson 21
2.1.4 Animal phase (ϑ):   Quantum clouds (souls)    and animals 

Part 2

Article No.27
Lesson 22
2.1.4 Animal phase (ϑ):     Quantum clouds (souls)    and animals 

Part 3


Article No.28
Lesson 23
2.1.4 Animal phase (ϑ):     Quantum clouds (souls)    and animals 

Part 4

Combination of framework and growth

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A video clip at rumble-  3 minutes

How does the human intellect work?

An analysis from the perspective of the research institute “Andishe Online Germany (AOG)”

How does the human intellect work?

An analysis from the perspective of the research institute “Andishe Online Germany (AOG)”

Soul perfection process

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Laws of creation

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Biology of the Quantum Dimension

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